And Daylight Savings wouldnt exist. Copyright 1997-2023, Ripoff Report. If you like the pronoun for yourself and what it means and what it says about you to the world, go for it, and of course singular they is useful when speaking about people in general or in hypothetical situations, but I dont see how cis people adopting they for themselves is furthering the cause. My Experience with a Multilevel Marketing Pyramid Scheme. Anyone who looks down their nose at you for your lack of degree is being elitist and has the situation backwards. My boss did a great job at keeping everybody pumped up about heading out to the field. Plus really research costs and how much a degree will realistically add to your salary. I love Grammerly for general typos. I would hesitate to assume that every application reviewer at every school is adequately familiar with gender identity for this use of pronouns not to be confusing. +1. 11 hour days. We just care if you can get the job done. I have a friend who is they/she, because they prefer they, but realize that many people are going to default to either he or she, so they want to make sure that people realize she is the better choice, if they is too difficult. Work on your temperament (does a reward get you through a tough patch of combing fine detail?) Tbc, because the choice to do so should be the students, not because its bad to disclose. +1000 for checklists. So annoying! No one implied that those with university degrees are smarter than others. Agreed. You will have less mistakes, you will catch more of the mistakes you do make. The NYT has a kajillion copy editors and people make mistakes there as well. The owner/president/ceo/whateverthefuckhewantstocallhimself fired me and one of the reasons he gave was that I missed a night where they go bowling together or some shit. At least we caught it before the public saw, but I was so embarrassed. Well done and all good luck! Well I can tell you from experience that it's definitely not a scam. If people are not given facts head on then they are not able to calculate their risk factor. As others, including Alison, have said, anything youll learn at your current job will be questionable at best, so make sure youre giving yourself a good guideline for as soon as you can escape this job. I work at a university and its getting more common to add your pronouns as a part of your email signature or at the bottom of a letter. Curious follow-up question: how did things go with their numbers? Ask yourself, could you not work another job for 60-80 hours a week, making steadier pay and not save up the 15-20 grand necessary to start your own business? The product were selling is legitimate and reps dont have to buy a package to get started, but the training, promotion, and commission structure is 100% pyramid. The HR experience is learning how to interview dozens of people daily and ensnare people into your psychological sales cult. Ill give credit where its due I did get one reasonably good job through a recruiter. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Cydcor: These deceptive intern-recruiting schemers will outsmart even the brightest of students. Listing those out has become quite common in academia. heres some free help preparing for job interviews. This reminds me of some random tweet I saw where the person was sitting in the college library listening to a guy brag about his ACT scores, and the person thinking I signed up for the ACTs, forgot about them, and we still ended up at the same college. My husband dropped out of high school because he was bored. Everyone does it, up to owner level, and it helps me a lot to have that norm both so that I feel comfortable asking almost anyone for a second pair of eyes on an email, and Im happy to return the favor when someone else asks. You are right where you are, right next to all of those papered individuals, making just as much as them, holding the same information, skills, and responsibilities without the debt. She inherited team members from others who had (smartly) moved on, and was handed a promotion. Over the years, the employers tended more and more to require a degree I, as a more recent employee had degrees but many of the most valued and experienced employees never got one, and as time went on the economic benefit of getting one decreased. The owner gets to go on a lot of vacations while the staff does door to door sales all day. My boss cried. But whether dealing with it by going through the expense and effort of getting a degree for the sake of having one is a good idea is also questionable. He never went to college. I have in many instances asked students if I can share certain things but I hesitated to do that this time. If you have fallen for a scam, you can post your experience here to warn others. This video contains dark stories about the abuses I went through. My husband did one term of higher education and hated it so got a job. I figured I'd let it play out until I began my "management" duties. :/. They would have my colleague go to the bank & get a cashiers check as opposed to using a check with the company name. Their choice may even vary from job to job. Like, genuinely upset and annoyed that this sign said that they had a doctorate. #3, I could have written your letter! Even so, he happily made an offer to this man who didnt complete his Associates Degree in Engineering. RED FLAG 2. And watch out for autocorrect! Dont be self conscious about your education, presumably your peers and HR person have years more yet still have not learned how to behave! Please rethink that. #3 speaking as an HR person myself, what yours is doing is wrong. People dont go to college for a ton of reasons, and economic opportunity is one of them. First, I cant lie to people, second, trying to sell something which has no benefits is a waste of time. They will offer a job to just about anyone. Its so easy to pick up other peoples errors. You will see Cydcor on American Greed some day. Everyone needs a second, fresh pair of eyes. OP3 please dont be ashamed of your degree. The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. That thing with the pay sounds really fishy. I worked for many years in a position which originally required high school graduation, possibly plus a very short office skills course or else similar experience. Some people do not come out to everyone at the same time. Background- I needed a fresh start, so I started applying jobs in pretty much any decently sized midwest city. Cydcor is Nasty! I NEVER proofread something Ive worked on myself. Like others have suggested, I ask a teammate to proof documents for presentation/distro and am amazed by what I miss. They are also taught to avoid using terms like door to door and business to business and instead will keep it bland by saying outsourced marketing firms that work with big name companies. I said a mix of both would be nice, and she said to start off you would be outside 75% of the time. You did the right thing, and I hope the prosecutors absolutely demolished your former company. As for leaving it and coming back later, I agree. I find printing the document is a very good way of changing the appearance, but if you dont want to waste paper, simply copying and pasting the text from powerpoint to word (for example) will help. Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. I get pretty good spelling and grammar grades with these strategies. Finally graduated with $80K in debt and two masters degrees in 2010, after my new field (biology) had just offshored 95% of its lab tech jobs. Drug Rehab Deception Addiction Treatment Industry Rocked By Fraud & Abuse. He got a full time job as a courier for a laboratory, working from noon until 8 p.m. A year later we got married, and he started attending classes in the mornings to get his missing credits and earned his GED. Be cautious with them. If financially its not an option to just quit, Id recommend continuing to actively look for something else. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. They promise people to be their own boss and make 6 figures in a year but the only people making 6 figures are the few at the top of the scheme (a handful of folks); everyone is working their butts off probably for less than min wage, no benefits, etc. All rights reserved. Read what Corporate Trainer employee has to say about working at Cydcor: I worked for a subsidiary of Cydcor for half a year doing door to door sales and I can confidentl. The funny thing is that none of them directly use their PhD area of expertise for our work now. GroupM is the worlds leading media investment company responsible for more than $63 billion in annual media investment through agencies including Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/Six, as well as the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. I have also learned to write letters, stop and do a completely different task and come back to it later. I went from retail to retail job for a few years trying to figure out what I DID want, and then I landed an entry-level position in my current company. For what it is worth, places in my area seem to be hiring. Youll hear or get stuck on the mistakes your eyes just breeze past when youre reading silently. GroupMs technology mission is two-fold: Use our scale to provide tested and effective products for clients and create a unified technology and data approach that helps brands deliver the future of media today. Theyll keep you as a low level sales rep who cant make enough commission to pay for bus fare, all while promising to promote you soon fully understanding that youll eventually quit. As for how they make money since we dont have to buy stuff, Im assuming its from the outside companies were doing sales for. Sad to see, really: the company truly needed them. Good luck to you, OP! Is this something to discuss with my manager? I think it generally means either one is okay (i.e. I have never worked at X Company or even interviewed there. Very helpful! OP 2, I used to work in a job that involved a lot of writing and it was commonly suggested to read what youve written backwards, ie word by word from end to start. Writing everything out made all the things that I was brushing off as well, any first job in a field thats not your ideal is going to be a bit rough really come into focus, and then right after my break I got pushed into signing up a customer whose card got declined twice, and I realized I genuinely couldnt keep working for a company that was so blatantly scammy. 4) you will have 3 interviews most likely: a- basic interview with manager to see if you are ambtious, independent, and easily manipulated/ b- day of observation where one of the "leaders" takes you on a day of door to door sales, pays for your lunch, and explains how this pyramid scheme isnt a pyramid because you dont lose the money you make . OP4, Im non-binary and use they/them pronouns and I disagree slightly with Alison. As others up thread have suggested, if you find that you are missing the same kind of error frequently it might help to make a checklist of everything you need to check and go about it a little more systematically. The part about recycled a letter and forgot to change the pronouns makes me think that the OP is worried about using he to refer to Susan ( which may indeed look like a recycled letter in a way that they wouldnt. I quit the next day. But loosing your mom makes you appreciate and love your father so much more than you ever had. No reimbursements for gas or anything. That is the demanding side of the solution. Usually it just means the individual in question is fine with either set of pronouns. He has opened up a new company called 45 Inc. Read more about what makes Cydcor one of the "Best Places to Work. Its also useful because normally Id be reading them on my computer. The cost was subsidized but not entirely covered by the employer, but the time studying wasnt, there wouldnt be an increase in pay, and retirement was approaching. Yes, its not like people are writing recommendation letters for groups of people! So no, I dont think youre wrong to be upset. Although I dont have much confidence in your HR higher ups doing the right thing. It takes time, but its been really worth it. I have an associates. After the second interview I did NOT get a call back, although they told me that theyd call me before 7 PM that day even if it was a no. But make sure they know what youre asking them for when Im asked to look over a presentation for errors, I default to typos, grammar, and math. Quick update: I actually gave my notice within hours of sending in this question. Elaborations below, this sort of stuff isn't for the faint of heart, First of all, some background on the company: Oh, she does the same job but has no degree? I will still skim the emails just in case, but its rarely worth pursuing at this point in my career. Laptop voice: In one-thousand-three-hundred-and-forty-eight- (If you do this, make a point of slowing down to type it correctly anyway. Im far more impressed than I would be by a degree. Wait forever for atmosphere and meetings to start. So again, thank you for sharing, kind stranger online. Academia is more than happy to promote degrees as evidence of the probability that an individual can learn and demonstrate that learning. It doesn't matter what the persons qualifications are, you're job is to close them. It is a federal requirement that students are listed in certain databases by the name on their birth certificate. I think they prey on new grads constantly, but recessions are especially full of these sharks. There may also be considerations with their legal or deadname being used on application materials, so you might end up needing something like Susan (he/they, formerly Jason) at the start of the letter. And that right there is the core of their company: Be just vague enough to reel in desperate/young/naive people with hope and promises of making big bucks. When you come back to it, youll see the errors. Among the many hats I wear I also write a lot of recommendation letters for students who are applying to colleges and universities, scholarships, and other activities such as internships and job opportunities. Maybe the OP could ask the student or call the school to verify. If youre on the same level as these people laughing about it, and you did it without the insane debt, I dont see any negative here. Hes been in his industry long enough that hiring managers care more about industry experience than his educational experience from 20 years ago. Also, if the student specifically said he/they pronouns, specifying which they want in this case is not asking them to go by a non-preferred pronoun, just if they have a more specific preference for this context. If you enjoy chaos. No need to practice the incorrect pattern and make that typo a habit. Agree with this so much; also editing off a hard copy if possible. Get them into college! It would be good to know how non-binary people feel about this idea (specifically, using they as a sign of support rather than in relation to ones own identity). READ: Foreign websites steal our content, Click Here to read other Ripoff Reports on Phoenix Solution. I know that as a cis lesbian, I wouldnt want to work anywhere where Id have to be closeted, and where the climate is so hostile that Id be fired/not hired for being gay. Since they do know there could be a direct link to Cydcor or an affiliated office that might have a bad reputation, they try to avoid making that link right off the bat. Miami Florida, Old Town Atelier Dan Kolar Alexandra Kolar Press and Ink Scamming and Blocking Paying Customers Temecula California, Full Service Network Jason Soltis, David Schwencke (CEO) They could not provide phone services needed, had to change providers after working with them for months to fix things. OP 4: I did admission work for a couple different schools for several years and generally unless the rec letter is about crimes/disciplinary issues, its not going to have a minimal impact on their admission. This is the video I've always hesitated on making but thanks to speaking a. Most people realize the ethical issues with a few weeks on the job and bail. Here we go. If the position is not something that would work for the person then they really didn't fail on their own, they were assisted by this unethical recruiting practice. Maybe the best thi g would be to do a draft, ask student to look at it and if they agree that the pronouns are correct. Answer: they sell anything and everything. Having an actual second person really helps too. Since 1994, Cydcor, a leader in outsourced sales, has been helping Fortune 500 and emerging companies achieve their customer acquisition, retention, and business growth goals. What actually happens is employees work 12 hrs a day, 6 days a week doing door to door sales to make maybe $300-600 (if theyre one of the successful ones who are ok hard selling stuff or happen to have a semi-decent product), while paying for their own gas, car etc. To warn others the incorrect pattern and make that typo a habit suggested, I ask a teammate proof! Always hesitated on making but thanks to speaking a slightly with Alison with a few weeks on the of! Hiring managers care more about industry experience than his educational experience from 20 years.... At keeping cydcor pyramid scheme pumped up about heading out to the bank & get a cashiers check as opposed to a! 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